Thursday, October 23, 2014

October Tournament results

 I wanted to pass along to you the Academic Games results from our second tournament, the first one that counts in the official standings (the first tournament is a "practice" tournament).

58 kids from Clague participated and finished with an average of 15.28 per player, good for second place in the tournament, behind a school from Northville, Meads Mill.   The lowest possible score for each player is 8, a perfect score is 20.  The top score was a 16.45.  We finished first in the Top 5 category (take the top five scores from each team) with a perfect 100.

Top scorers (18 or above) included:

Young Seo
Benjamin O (note - we have two Benjamins who both have the same last initial, so I will identify them by their first name and the last letter of the their last name)

 Congrats to all the Clague players for a great tournament.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Equations Worksheets

Equations worksheets are linked on the right. There is a packet for Elementary players (6th graders) and one for Middle players (7th and 8th grade). We will not be printing out the worksheets, so it is up to each student to print them out on their own. Worksheets are due before Thanksgiving break.

For every page completed, students will get one point added to their Friday tournament score, regardless of the number of problems they get correct. The idea is to reward effort. Students are encouraged to bring their worksheet packet with them to all practices, as we will often have times when they can work on them with other students.

6th and 7th grade students can get a maximum of 20 points from the worksheets, while 8th grade students can get points for the worksheets that deal with variations that are new this year, specifically worksheets 7T, 9G, 9H, 9I, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M, 9N, 9O & 10C.