Sunday, December 17, 2017

This Month In Academic Games: Closer To States

About a month ago we blogged about what was going on in Academic Games.  At that point we were playing four of the six games.  We have since added LinguiSHTIK (a grammar game) and started on Propaganda (a game about rhetorical methods) so we are playing all six of the games (Equations, OnSets, WFF 'n' Proof, LinguiSHTIK, Presidents, and Propaganda) that we will be playing at the State Tournament.

A blog entry from last year tells a lot about what happens at the State Tournaments which happen this year on March 7-9 (for 6th graders) and March 14-16 (for 7th and 8th graders) in Grand Rapids

Academic Games families will be getting signup information for the State Tournament this week.  Payment is due the first week we return to school.  The State Tournaments are a lot of fun and a lot of work and are something the team looks forward to all year.