Welcome Back,
I hope everyone had an enjoyable and restful summer vacation.
Academic Games begins for all interested students this Friday after school from 3-5 pm. Our practice schedule will remain the same this year as it was last year, Mondays 7-9 pm, and Fridays after school. Our first Saturday tournament will be a week from Saturday at Clague. A complete schedule is posted to the right, and is included in the Welcome Letter than is also posted on the right.
We have a big addition to the team this year, as Vivek Thanabal will be joining us as a coach. A former AG player at Clague and Huron, Vivek is a freshman in the UofM engineering school. Vivek was quite successful as a player at Clague, having been part of a number of championship teams at the State and National levels. I know he is looking forward to the new challenges that coaching brings.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me at ericnelsonag@comcast.net
Look forward to seeing everyone on Friday