Thursday, October 18, 2018

Equations Worksheets

Equations worksheets are linked on the right. There is a packet for Elementary players (6th graders) and one for Middle players (7th and 8th grade).  We will not be printing out copies, so it is up to each student to print them out on their own. Worksheets are due before Thanksgiving break.

For every page completed, students will get one point added to their Friday tournament score, regardless of the number of problems they get correct. The idea is to reward effort. Students are encouraged to bring their worksheet packet with them to all practices, as we will often have times when they can work on them with other students.

6th and 7th grade students can get a maximum of 20 points from the worksheets, while returning 8th grade students can only get points for the worksheets that have not been in previous years' packets (pages 9G, 9H, 9I, 9J, 9K, 9L, 9M, 9N, 9O)

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Summer AG work

Dear Friends,

Although there are no regular practices over the summer, there is still a lot that students can do to improve their Academic Games skills.  This summer we are asking Clague students to concentrate on getting better in Presidents.  We are providing the attached worksheets for students to work on.  While we will not be collecting these worksheets in the fall, and completion of the worksheets will not count in either our Friday or Saturday tournaments, we are confident that completion of these worksheets will help the students in Presidents competitions in practices in the fall, and eventually at the State and National tournaments next spring.

We'd also like to share a list of possible Presidents resources that students could explore for more in depth dives into American History, particularly as it relates to the presidents.

American Experience - An excellent American historical series on PBS that occasionally has episodes specifically about certain presidents (i.e. they did a recent short on Barbara and George Bush when she passed), and always provides great insight into all aspects of American History

The Roosevelts: An Intimate History - A great Documentary series by Ann Arbor's own Ken Burns about Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt.

American Presidential Series - A series of short biographies on the US Presidents written by different authors, edited by historian Arthur Schlesinger Jr.  Used copies of these books can be found from time to time on Amazon for next to nothing.

The Complete Book of US Presidents - by William DeGregorio - one of the most complete reference books on US Presidents.

Good luck to all in your presidential studies this summer.


Thursday, January 25, 2018

January Saturday Tournament

The January Saturday Tournament was held at Northville's Hillside Middle School on January 20.  Clague won in Team Average with 16.55 and in Top Five with an almost-perfect 99.

Top Clague players on the day -- those with an 18 or higher -- were Amy, Hassan, Yaseen, Ethan, Avani, Claire, Daniel H., David L., Ismael, Karinne, Nathan, Simon, Kevin, and Natalie.

13 Clague players have attended all five Saturday Tournaments so far this school year.   How many will make the trip to St. Lawrence in Utica to complete a perfect six-for-six season?  We will find out on February 10.