Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mid Winter Break Quiz #2

Answers for our previous quiz:
EQ - 80 x 21 = 40 x 42 = 8x7x6x5 = 8!/4!

OS - (R' intersect B')'

Ling - He waved because he saw someone.

EQ - ((5^3)/2) ^ (1^7)

OS - B subset V

Ling - He likes running the race.

Basic WFF - Cps, Kpq / Ko(R), Co(R), Ai
(see if you can write the proof that goes with that solution)

Regular WFF - Eps, Ns, p / R, Eo (R), Co, No
(check the Wff packet for the proof that goes with this solution

New Quiz
EQ - Goal 37 * 17
Variations - MOP, + = ave, xprime
Find a solution using only three cubes

OS - Is setting a negative goal an illegal procedure or a Never?

Ling - What's the best way to make the game difficult for your opponents if you are the third player?

EQ - Goal 5 % 40
Variations OW, %, !
Find a three cube solution without using a divide

OS - What goal and restriction would make any set name equal the goal?

Ling -
Objective Case

WFF - Explain the difference between Required in Equations and Required in Wff.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Mid Winter Break Quiz #1

Hello All,
Hope everyone is enjoying break so far.  Each day we're gonna put up some quiz questions for students to answer.  We'll post answers tomorrow.

EQ - Goal 80 x 21
        Variations - OW, !, UD
         Find a three cube solution

OS - Re-Write the following solution: RUB without using a U

Ling - Write a solution for the following set of demands:
Direct Object
Seven letters

EQ - Goal 13 / 2
         Variations K 7, !, OW
         Required - 1 2 3 5 7 / ^ ^ ^

OS - Which of the following restrictions are null for all universes?
         R subset R'
         V subset B
         B subset V

Ling - Write a solution for the following set of demands:
Direct Object
Gerund Phrase

Basic WFF -  Goal Asr
Required - p p s q i A C K R R

Reg WFF - Goal Eqq
Required - p p s s o o C E N N R R

Good luck!