Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Equations Worksheets

Equations worksheets are linked on the right. There is a packet for Elementary players (6th graders) and one for Middle players (7th and 8th grade). We will not be printing out the worksheets, so it is up to each student to print them out on their own. Worksheets are due before Thanksgiving break. For every page completed, students will get one point added to their Friday tournament score, regardless of the number of problems they get correct. The idea is to reward effort. Students are encourage to bring their worksheet packet with them to all practices, as we will often have times when they can work on them with other students.
6th and 7th grade students can get a maximum of 20 points from the worksheets, while 8th grade students can get points for the worksheets that deal with variations that are new this year, specifically worksheets 7N, 7O, 7Q, 9H, 9I, 9J, 10C & 10D.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Friday Results, 10/22

Team results from Friday's tournament:
Pretty Pink Trashcans - 62 points, 4.77 average
Giant Midgets - 56 points, 4.00 average
Indestructible Cabbages - 59 points, 3.93 average
No Names - 58 total points, 3.87 average

Overall Standings:
Pretty Pink Trashcans - 327 points, 23.59 average
Indestructible Cabbages - 306 points, 19.21 average
No Names - 308 total points, 18.66 average
Giant Midgets - 259 points, 18.13 average

Individual Standings:
Susanne S. 28
Kai I. 26
Livia B-W 26
Conrad P. 25
Yuyi L. 24
Justin S. 24
Victor Z. 24
Matthew S. 23
Jessica Z. 23
Oliver B. 23
Topher W. 23
Luke C. 23

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Huron Tournament

Over the weekend we had our second saturday tournament at Huron. 50 students competed for Clague against students from other schools in Ann Arbor, Northville, Lansing, Grand Rapids, Oxford and Jackson.
The team finished first in Top Five (100 out of a possible 100) and first in team average (16.48 per student, 20 is perfect, second place was 14.25).
Top scorers (18 points or higher) for the team included:
Oliver B
Livia B-W
Luke C
Matt D
Mason D
Miela F
Shalini L
Chun-Lam L
Anly L
Shreya M
Natsume O
Shwetha R
Phillip R
Susanne S.
Justin S
Leo T
Topher W
Ningrui W
Yuqing W
Jessica Z

Congratulations to all of the students who participated in the tournament. Our next saturday tournament will be November 20th at Amerman Elementary School in Northville.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Results, 10/15

Team results from Friday's tournament:
Giant Midgets - 67 points, 4.47 average
Indestructible Cabbages - 64 points, 4.27 average
Pretty Pink Trashcans - 53 points, 4.07 average
No Names - 60 total points, 3.75 average

Overall Standings:
Pretty Pink Trashcans - 265 points, 18.82 average
Indestructible Cabbages - 247 points, 15.28 average
No Names - 308 total points, 14.79 average
Giant Midgets - 203 points, 14.13 average

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Equations Challenge Match

In a challenge match, the students work with their Friday tournament teams for the first half of practice. In second half, all of the students, except the captains, are matched up into games against students from the other teams. The captains are allowed to float around from game to game and help their teammates. At the end of the night, the team with the highest average over all its players wins the match, and every player on that team receives a 6.
Tonight was our Equations Challenge Match.
The averages were as follows:
Pretty Pink Trashcans 4.61
Indestructible Cabbages 4.17
No Names 3.93
Giant Midgets 3.46

So each member of the Pretty Pink Trashcans who was present received a six added to their Friday tournament score. Thje Cabbages all got 4 points, the No Names 3 and the Midgets 2.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Friday Results, 10/8

Team results from Friday's tournament:
Pretty Pink Trashcans - 65 points, 4.64 average
No Names - 82 total points, 4.56 average
Giant Midgets - 53 points, 3.79 average
Indestructible Cabbages - 64 points, 3.76 average

Overall Standings:
Pretty Pink Trashcans - 128points, 9.14 average
No Names - 139 total points, 8.36 average
Giant Midgets - 108 points, 8.02 average
Indestructible Cabbages - 131 points, 7.95 average

Equations Challenge Match coming up on Monday

Saturday, October 2, 2010

First Friday Tournament

We held our first Friday tournament yesterday and the kids did well. Competition was crisp, the questions asked were on point, and for the most part all of the students seemed comfortable with the procedures of the game of Equations.

The team results of the tournament are as follows:
Pretty Pink Trashcans (Captain Shalini) -- 65 total points, 4.5 average
Giant Midgets (Captains Claire and Shwetha) -- 55 points, 4.23 average
Indestructible Cabbages (Captain Luke) -- 67 points, 4.1875 average
No Names (Captain Topher) -- 57 points, 3.8 average